The Nintendo DSi XL, an upgraded version of the Nintendo DSi, includes all of the same features as the DSi including the DSi Shop, an online store where users can buy downloadable games. Normally, most games in the DSi Shop must be purchased with points bought with real money. However, 'The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition' is a free download for all Nintendo DSi XL owners and the only free game in the DSi Shop. A Wi-Fi connection is required to access the shop and download this free game.
Tap 'DSiWare Free' to see a list of the free items to download in the DSi Shop. This list shows both free applications and free games.Tap the right arrow in the lower right screen of your DSi XL to navigate to the second page.Tap 'The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition.' Tap 'Free,' followed by 'OK' and 'Yes' to begin your download. The game is automatically downloaded and installed to your Nintendo DSi XL.Tap 'OK,' followed by 'Continue' when the download is finished. Tap 'DSi Menu' to return to the DSi XL's main menu.Tap 'The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition' from the DSi XL's main menu to begin the game.
Important: As of April 1, 2017, the. It is no longer possible to add Nintendo DSi Points or purchase new games in the Nintendo DSi Shop. The Nintendo DSi shop is an online application on the Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL systems. Prior to October 1, 2016, Nintendo Points could be added to the Nintendo DSi Shop using a credit card (VISA or MasterCard) or Nintendo Points Card. The Points could be used to purchase digital DSiWare titles and download them directly to your Nintendo DSi system. All unused Nintendo Points expired on March 31, 2017.
As of April 1, 2017, the is the only item that can be downloaded in the Nintendo DSi Shop. Previously purchased titles can still be on the Nintendo DSi family system. However, this option will also be discontinued at some point in the future. (Exact date TBD). Most games purchased in the Nintendo DSi Shop can be.
Unused Nintendo Points do not transfer as part of this process, but the games can be re-downloaded through the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS.