IflatextortfThis code is processed only by latex2rtfelseThis code is processed only by latexfiNote that iflatextortf will only work within a section; youcannot use this command to conditionally parse code that crosses sectionboundaries. Also, it will only work on complete table or figureenvironments. Due to the mechanism used by LaTeX2RTF in processing theseenvironments, at this time the only way to conditionally parse tablesand figures is to include two complete versions of the environment inquestion, nested within an appropriate iflatex2rtf structure.LaTeX2RTF versions 1.9.15 to 1.9.18 had the ability to hide contents from LaTeXbut expose them to LaTeX2RTF by starting a line with%latex2rtf. Thiscode was horribly broken, and it was removed. The same functionality is readilyachieved using the iflatextortf mechanism. For example, the oldmethod allowed.
Pagelength,MEASURE.5.6 Font ConfigurationThe file fonts.cfg contains the font name mapping. For example, thisfile determines what font is used to represent rm characters in the RTF file.A line consists of a font name in LaTeX followed by comma and a fontname in RTF. The end is marked by a ‘.’. No spaces are allowed. TheLaTeX font will be converted to the RTF font when it is foundin the LaTeX file. If multiple translations for the same LaTeX font arespecified, only the first is used. All fonts in a LaTeX file that arenot in this file will be mapped to the default font.
All RTF fontslisted in this file will be in every RTF file header whether used ornot. Lines starting with a ‘ #’ character are ignored.
After the‘.’ everything is ignored to end of line.To add a RTF font notused as substitute for a LaTeX font — for example a Symbol font usedin direct.cfg — use a dummy LaTeX name like in the following. Dummy3,MathematicalSymbols.Make sure you use the correct font name. Take care of spaces in font names.