Setting Up the MKS Toolkit on WindowsSet up the MKS Toolkit on the DAS host and on allhosts where instances in your cluster will reside.The following topics are addressed here:.To Install the MKS ToolkitFor centralized GlassFish Server administration, the default installation of the MKS Toolkit issufficient. Follow the instructions in the MKS Toolkit product documentation to install OpenSSH fromthe MKS Toolkit with default installation options.See AlsoFor detailed information about installing MKS Toolkit, see. To Set the Path for Windows and for the MKS Toolkit ShellTo enable GlassFish Server tools to find commands for SSH, each user's pathfor Windows and for the MKS Toolkit shell must contain the following directories:.The MKS Toolkit bin directory, for example C:Program FilesMKS Toolkitmksnt.The bin directory of the JDK softwareThe MKS Toolkit installer automatically adds the MKS Toolkit bin directory tothe path. However, you must add the bin directory of the JDK software tothe path yourself. Log in as a user with Administrator privileges.Logging in as a user with Administrator privileges ensures that the change applies toall users. In the System Information control panel, click Advanced-Environment Variables.
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Add the bin directory of the JDK software to the Path environment variable.To Set the Home Directory for the MKS Toolkit SSH UserThe SSH Server Daemon sshd locates a user's home directory from theconfiguration in the user database, not from environment variables such as HOME. Toensure that all GlassFish Server commands can run without errors, each SSHuser must be configured to have a home directory.Each user on a Windows host where SSH is set up potentiallyhas two home directories:.Windows home directory. GlassFish Server commands, which are run in a Windows command window, use the Windows home directory.SSH home directory. SSH commands, which are run in a shell such as bash or ksh, use the SSH home directory.If these home directories are different, GlassFish Server and SSH each locatea user's.ssh directory in different directories. To simplify the set upof SSH, configure each user's home directory for SSH and Windows tobe the same directory.
A disadvantage of this approach is that the SSHhome directory has spaces in its path name. Spaces in path namesare cumbersome in the UNIX environment. Compare the pairs of settings for Windows and the MKS Toolkit that arelisted in the following table. Note - Do not set the HOME environment variable explicitly.
If Home Directory and HomeDirectory Drive are set correctly, the HOME environment variable specifies the correct pathby default. In an MKS Toolkit shell, confirm that the settings were updated. $ userinfo user-name user-nameThe user name for the user whose home directory you are setting, for example Administrator.
Log out of the host and log in to the host again. Confirm that the home directories are the same as explained in.Example 2-1 Setting the Home Directory for the MKS Toolkit UserThis example sets the home directory for the MKS Toolkit user Administratorto C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator.
$ userinfo -u -fHomeDirDrive:'C:' -fHomeDir:'Documents and SettingsAdministrator' Administrator To Configure and Start the MKS Toolkit SSH Server Daemon sshd. Note - Do not set the command shell to cmd.exe.
MKS - Toolkit For InteroperabilityMKSProducts:.MKSToolkit for InteroperabilityAPowerful UNIX and Windows Co-Existence SolutionMKS Toolkit for Interoperabilityis a comprehensive UNIX and Windows interoperability suite,allowing remote access, remote system administration,interconnectivity, file sharing, and full automation andscripting capabilities. It includes an X server for displayingand running UNIX graphical applications on Windows clients.The telnet server, along with a complete UNIX command-lineenvironment of more than 300 utilities, let you connectto a Windows machine from any UNIX or Windows machine.Increase your productivity with the full suite of remoteutilities, including rcp, rsh, rlogin, and rexec, thatlet you perform distributed builds, multi-platformscripting, and remote administration. WithMKS Toolkit for Interoperability you can:System Administrators. Add users and groups. Clone system file or document tree. Remotely administer systems. Perform UNIX compatible backups.Software Developers.
Multi-platform scripting. Perform cross-platform distributed builds. Complex file search and retrieval. Automated testing.'
Thru-PutSystems, a developer of chromatographic analysisand data management software, confidently relieson MKS Toolkit as its product of choice fordelivering UNIX interoperability for Windows.Since Thru-Put's software development occurssimultaneously in UNIX and Windows, having acommon toolset across platforms enables anefficient and complementary effort. Thru-Put'scustomers benefit as well, since they generallyuse our products on both UNIX and Windows systems.The automation features of MKS Toolkit allow ourcustomers to work in a seamless environment that,in turn, helps Thru-Put Systems leverage itsproducts.'