Simple issuing of invoices through the software certainly increases the speed of the service and gives a possibility for conforming to the prescribed regulations. Is such way, the productivity of the service is increased up to 50%.Investments into computer equipment are one-off, but taking into account the ratio of expenses for procurement of equipment and accelerating the work process, investments into equipment are really negligible. Also, it is relevant that the training of new staff on the software is simple, so you would not lose time on training of new employees.Tip: Each waiter should be authorized to collect payment by card or payment order, but pay special attention on which waiter is authorized to reverse invoices.
The principle is really simple. Each manager of a catering facility has a goal to enable the reception of as many guests as possible in the “Rush time”, realize turnover per table as many times as possible within those few hours, but without affecting the guests themselves, meaning that they should not be rushed in order for someone else to take their place.
For me personally, one of the most important items in catering business are the correctly defined standard serving sizes. Standard serving sizes are a recipe for making of a certain food or drink.
With correctly entered sizes of a food or drink, I can monitor my entire business operation through consumption and current status of stocks. Without correctly entered standard serving sizes there are no correct information about business operation, thus this is a precondition for monitoring and optimization of consumption and profit.A huge problem that I faced when entering standard serving sizes in software I had been using as a caterer was that this important process was too complicated. Simply, I could hardly manage this without support. Guests often change the proposed side dishes from the menu or they ask for a specific preparation of a meal. Without this option in the software, waiters have to go to the bar or kitchen and explain what a guest wants. For me as a caterer, that means loss of time for my staff and my profit. With the option of direct message to the bar or kitchen on modification of side dishes or type of preparation, this problem is resolved and there are no more unnecessary losses.However, this option will not be fully optimized and will create chaos in the stocks if, when side dishes are changed, correct ingredients are not reduced in the stocks and the defined basic ingredients in standard serving sizes for food and drinks are not cancelled.