Batch processing: IntroductionSimulations, post-processing spreadsheets and can all be run in unattended mode, by using the menu item. This command opens a form that allows you to set up a list of jobs that are to be run. The list can include any number and mixture of the following types of job:.

Static analysis of pre-prepared OrcaFlex (.dat or.yml). OrcaFlex opens the data file, performs the static analysis and then saves the results in a with the same name as the data file, but with a.sim extension. Dynamic analysis of pre-prepared OrcaFlex (.dat or.yml). OrcaFlex opens the data file, performs the static analysis, runs the dynamic simulation and then saves the results in a with the same name as the data file, but with a.sim extension. Partially-run OrcaFlex (.sim). OrcaFlex opens the simulation file, finishes the dynamic simulation and then saves the completed simulation, overwriting the original file. (.txt).

These are text files which contain OrcaFlex script commands. OrcaFlex opens the script file and obeys the commands in turn. The most common use of script files is to perform a series of systematic variations on a base data file. (.ftg or.yml).

OrcaFlex performs the fatigue analysis and saves the results to a binary.ftg file. In addition the results tables are saved to an.xlsx spreadsheet. (.xls or.xlsx).

OrcaFlex will process all in the Excel workbook. Note that if the spreadsheet option contains dependencies is checked then the workbook will be processes as a single job using a single thread. If it is not checked, then each instructions sheet will be broken down into multiple load cases which are individually added to the batch and may be processed simultaneously.

Python scripts, extension. These files are processed by an external Python process, so you may need to modify the PATH environment variable in order for the Python executable to be found. Batch command scripts, with.bat or.cmd extension. These files are processed in an external process by the system command interpreter, usually this is cmd.exe. Text files, with.lst extension, containing a list of files to be added.

The text file must comprise one file name per line. If the file names use, then they are taken to be relative to the directory containing the.lst file.Note:If you wish to use Excel while OrcaFlex is processing spreadsheets within a batch you must open Excel directly, and then open the file you wish to work on. Do not double-click on an Excel file to open it while OrcaFlex is processing spreadsheets from a batch.

If you do, Windows will try to use the copy of Excel already in use by OrcaFlex, resulting in unpredictable failures.When adding (.dat or.yml) you need to specify whether static or dynamic analysis is to be performed. This choice can be made from the add files dialog or from the popup menu.OrcaFlex can partially-completed dynamic simulations at regular intervals during the batch job. This is useful if your computer is prone to failure (for example because of overnight power failures) since the part-run simulation file can be loaded and continued, rather than having to re-run the whole simulation from scratch. Multi-threadingThe batch processing functionality can make use of multiple processor cores. So, for example, if you have a quad-core machine then 4 simulation files can be run concurrently.Since some batch tasks might depend on the output of other tasks, OrcaFlex processes tasks in a specific order:.

The batch script files are all processed first. It is common to write scripts which output data files, so OrcaFlex completes all batch scripts before processing the data files. Any data and simulation files are processed next. Fatigue files are processed next. These use simulation files as input, so should not be started until all data and simulation files have been processed.

OrcaFlex spreadsheet files or load cases are processed next. Again, these cannot be started until all data and simulation files have been processed. Finally, any Python or batch command scripts are processed. These jobs are processed last of all because they are typically to collate the output from other types of job.The commands in batch script files are processed sequentially, in the order in which they appear in the job list. Consequently any simulations that are initiated with a command cannot be performed in parallel. We recommend, therefore, that you use the command rather than the command when creating batch scripts.

Such a script would create a number of OrcaFlex data files which you could then process in the batch form using all available processor cores.Python or batch command scripts are also executed sequentially, in the order in which they appear in the job list.OrcaFlex creates a single dedicated thread for saving the simulation files processed in the batch form. With a high thread count and large simulation files this may not be sufficient to clear the save queue, resulting in the CPU utilisation reducing significantly during the batch run. You can specify additional save threads by adding the following setting to the registry. Key: HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeOrcinaOrcaFlexName: Batch Save Thread Count PreferenceType: REGDWORDData: A value between 1 and the core count of the computer.Limiting the number of dedicated save threads avoids flooding the disk or network with data being saved, and frees the remaining OrcaFlex threads to process the rest of the batch. Be cautious with the value of this setting: for most situations a single save thread is sufficient.

Batch form user interface CloseDismisses the batch form. Add filesAdds jobs to the list. Files can also be added by drag and drop. That is, if you are browsing your file system you can highlight files and drag them onto the jobs list.Files can be added whilst a batch is running. Note that this feature has the limitation that all pre-existing jobs must be run to completion before OrcaFlex starts processing the files added whilst the batch was active.

Batch Processing Files Matlab

Remove filesRemoves any files highlighted in the jobs list. Check filesOrcaFlex opens each file in the jobs list, checks that they contain valid OrcaFlex data or script commands and reports any errors. When checking or it simply confirms the file exists.

Batch Processing Files Matlab Free

Run batchProcesses the list of jobs. If a job fails then it is abandoned, but other jobs are still attempted. Any errors are reported once all jobs have been processed.

Pause batchPauses the currently running batch jobs. This can be useful if you temporarily want another process on your machine to have the processor resource that OrcaFlex is using. Stop batchTerminate processing of batch jobs. WarningsDisplays a window allowing you to review all warnings generated by OrcaFlex during a calculation.

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These warnings are suppressed when you are operating in batch mode; this button allows you to review them once the simulation has completed. Close program when batch completesIf checked then OrcaFlex will close once the processing of jobs completes. This feature is intended principally for users with networked licences. It allows you to release your claim on an OrcaFlex licence as soon as the batch of jobs is complete.

Within a Mule application, batch processing provides a construct forasynchronously processing larger-than-memory data sets that are splitinto individual records. Batch jobs allow for the description of a reliableprocess that automatically splits up source data and stores it into persistentqueues, which makes it possible to process large data sets while providingreliability. In the event that the application is redeployed or Mule crashes,the job execution is able to resume at the point it stopped.A batch job is the scope element in an application in which Mule processes a message payload as a batch of records. The term batch job is inclusive of all three phases of processing: Load and Dispatch, Process, and On Complete.A batch job instance is an occurrence in a Mule application whenever a Mule flow executes a batch job. Mule creates the batch job instance in the Load and Dispatch phase. Every batch job instance is identified internally using a unique String known as batch job instance id.Mule splits the message using Dataweave.

This first step creates a new batch job instance.Mule exposes the batch job instance ID through the batchJobInstanceId variable. This variable is available in every step and the on-complete phase.Mule creates a persistent queue and associates it with the new batch job instance.For each item generated by the splitter, Mule creates a record and stores it in the queue. This activity is 'all or nothing' – Mule either successfully generates and queues a record for every item, or the whole message fails during this phase.Mule presents the batch job instance, with all its queued-up records, to the first batch step for processing. During the 'Process' phase, the runtime begins processing the records in the batch asynchronously. Each record moves through the processors in the first batch step, then is sent back to the original queue while it waits to be processed by the second batch step and so on until every record has passed through every batch step.

Only one queue exists, and records are picked out of it for each batch step, processed, and then sent back to it; each record keeps track of what stages it has been processed through while it sits on this queue. Note that a batch job instance does not wait for all its queued records to finish processing in one batch step before pushing any of them to the next batch step. Queues are persistent. Every processed record of the Batch Job Instance starts with the same variables and values present before the execution of the block. Every record has its own set of variables, so new variables or modifications of already-existing variables during the processing of a given record will not be visible while processing another record. For each record, those variables (and modifications) are propagated through the different Batch Steps. For example, if record R1 sets a variable varName: 'hello', record R2 sets varName: 'world', and record R3 does not set this variable, then in the next step, R1 will see the value 'hello', R2 the value 'world' and R3 will not see any value for that variable.