Jorge was driving a friend’s car in December 2017 when a police officer in Long Island stopped him. Because the car’s registration had expired, and because Jorge was driving without a license, the officer slapped him with a $300 fine.“Thank God he only gave me a ticket,” Jorge, 49, told NBC in Spanish.It could have been much worse. Jorge, who asked to only be identified by his first name because of safety concerns related to his immigration status, knows that often when police stop drivers without a license, they contact U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).Undocumented immigrants like Jorge are barred from getting driver’s licenses in most states, and routine stops or minor traffic offenses can escalate into detention or deportation. The ruling could compel testimony from current and former White House staff who’ve ignored Congressional subpoenas issued as part of the impeachment inquiry, including former National Security Advisor John Bolton. (Published Tuesday, Nov.
26, 2019)According to advocates, that has become increasingly true under the Trump administration. Ambassador to the European Union implicates President Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Vice President Pence, saying all were aware of campaign to pressure Ukraine into announcing Biden investigation. (Published Friday, Nov. 22, 2019)In New York, as in, proposed legislation would for undocumented residents, who lost their ability to drive legally because of measures that took effect after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Immigrant rights groups have been advocating for access to driver’s licenses for years, and former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer tried to reform the license policy more than a decade ago.
When NYIC assesses priorities among its members through roundtables, one-on-one conversations, and surveys, this is the issue that rises to the top, Joshi said.Beyond protecting undocumented immigrants from arrest and deportation, legislators and advocates in New York say their bill, the, would improve public safety and contribute to state and local revenue. “It really is in the public’s interest, regardless of immigration status, to make sure that everybody who is already driving on the roads anyway is properly trained and licensed and is able to be held accountable for the way that they drive,” said New York Sen.
Julia Salazar, who co-sponsored the bill.In states that have already implemented such policies, research indicates that, uninsured rates, alcohol-involved crashes, and fatal crashes dropped after the law changed. In California, hit-and-runs decreased, “suggesting that the policy reduced fears of deportation and vehicle impoundment,” according to research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. One widely cited but based on data from showed that the uninsured rate in New Mexico plummeted from 33% in 2002 to 9.1% in 2011, coinciding with the change in law.Port Chester, New York, Police Chief Richard Conway said licensing undocumented drivers would set a minimum standard of competency for people who will drive regardless.
It would also save his department man hours. Whenever an officer catches a driver without a license, that usually results in impounding the vehicle, Conway said. If undocumented drivers were licensed, officers could spend that time more efficiently.“I think it would be a big help to law enforcement, and I think it would make streets generally safer,” Conway said.Fiscally, the New York bill that would license an estimated 265,000 people within three years would provide a one-time $26 million revenue bump as well as $57 million annually to the government, according to the (FPI). The potential comes after Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in February that New York was hit with a $2.3 billion budget deficit thanks in part to federal tax reform from 2017. Former White House adviser Fiona Hill offers up her opening statement during morning impeachment hearings on Nov.
(Published Thursday, Nov. 21, 2019)It would also mean the purchase of an estimated 97,000 more cars at a time when. And because undocumented immigrants would be able to legally obtain insurance, it would likely result in a modest drop in rates for all New Yorkers with an auto insurance policy, FPI found.“I think on merits the driver’s license issue deserves a lot of support. There really is no doubt about it,” said Muzaffar Chishti, director of the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute’s (MPI) office at New York University School of Law.But, Chishti countered, “Immigration is not ultimately about the merits of the argument.”.“When it comes to things like giving people privileges like driving, it sort of taps into the raw feelings about immigration,” he said.The effort to license undocumented immigrants in New York has support from key players. The ran an opinion piece this month backing the measure, and Gov.
Cuomo is among its advocates.“As Attorney General, the governor was one of the few leaders willing to stick his neck out and stand up for this issue,” said Tyrone Stevens, spokesperson for the governor. “Now as Governor, he has repeatedly said that he supports legislative efforts to address this problem.”. President Donald Trump responded to Ambassador Gordon Sondland's testimony during the second week of impeachment hearings, telling reporters he doesn't 'know him very well,' and claiming that Sondland was a late supporter of his. (Published Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019)An ICE spokesperson said that 'a state’s decision on whether to allow an alien to obtain a driver’s license is not relevant to ICE operations.' A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security declined to comment on the record.But among the wider public, support is lacking. A March of 700 New York registered voters found that 61% of people opposed allowing undocumented residents to get a New York driver’s license.on the recent New York Times editorial wrote that 'it is these types of ideas that turn an average Jane away from the Democrat Party,' and that by giving undocumented residents access to licenses, 'you have as well as legalized them.'
Another called the policy 'a terrible idea,' writing that 'enabling criminals is akin to aiding and abetting.' But i, visa overstays — — have far exceeded border crossings, meaning many of the people in the country illegally are not criminals simply by virtue of their immigration status.New York Republican Sen.What the legislation does allow is for New York residents to use foreign-issued documents as proof of identity and sign an affidavit saying they have not been issued a social security number in order to obtain a standard license.
For hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants, that will mean being able to go to work or take a sick child to the doctor without fear of arrest, proponents say.That could significantly improve the lives of some U.S. Citizens as well as undocumented residents. In the United States, most undocumented immigrants have been in the country for a while, and many have laid down roots.
MPI estimated that in recent years, had lived in the U.S. For at least a decade; that number clocks in slightly lower at.Jorge, for example, came to the U.S. 17 years ago. He has two children; his 16-year-old daughter is a U.S. Citizen, and his son is covered by Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).Like Jorge, undocumented New Yorkers resides with at least one U.S. Citizen child under 18.
Through data collection and long interviews with immigrants in New York, Robert Smith, a professor of sociology, immigration studies and public affairs at Baruch College and CUNY’s Graduate Center, has identified preventable harms U.S. Children with undocumented parents experience because their loved ones are unable to drive legally. Among them are fear and mistrust of the police and emotional harm.“The kids are not kidding around. They see a police car and they immediately begin to cry,” Smith said.He found that in three of the four New York counties where he’s conducting research, “no conviction” and “traffic offense” were among the top five reasons for deportation. Also in three of four counties, local authorities were responsible for turning over the highest number of immigrants to ICE, according to his databrief on the subject.Nationally, ICE does not break down arrests and removals by whether an undocumented immigrant was stopped by local law enforcement for driving without a license, according to its spokesperson. But in fiscal year 2018, a traffic offense not involving driving under the influence was the third most cited reason for an administrative arrest, show.Smith said the driving issue was an “unavoidable topic” among undocumented interviewees, and that increasingly, the people he spoke to would tell him police officers would pull them over and give them tickets for things they did not even do.As to why U.S.
Citizen children fear law enforcement, Smith said, “Their parents are getting deported when they haven’t done anything wrong.”.
Fed up with waiting for Congress, Illinois became the latest state to try and better integrate its own undocumented immigrant community by issuing them drivers licenses.Thanks to a bill passed earlier this year, state DMVs will now offer temporary licenses to residents regardless of immigration status. Some 25,000 undocumented immigrants are expected to take advantage of the new law, according to theProponents backed the move as a public safety measure, ensuring that more immigrants receive proper certification before driving and that they purchase auto insurance. The IDs will be specially marked to indicate they can be used only in limited circumstances as identification, but they will look identical to licenses used by legal immigrants.Illinois is the largest state so far to offer licenses, but that will change soon as California allowing officials to issue issue drivers licenses for undocumented immigrants. The policy has gained significant momentum in 2013, in part due to rising expectations early in the year that immigration reform might pass soon. Washington, D.C., Mayor Vincent Gray last month and nearby Maryland as well. They joined states like Nevada, Washington, and New Mexico who have already taken the same steps.
Many others, like, have taken more limited measures offering licenses to young undocumented immigrants who have been granted temporary protection under the White House’s Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals program.