.1225-X Automatic Metal Detector Operating Manual F I S H E R R E S E A R C H L A B O R A T O R Y.CONTENTS About Your 1225-X.pg. 1 Setting Up. 2 Control Functions.pg. 4 Discrimination Points.pg. 5 Searching. 7 Pinpointing.pg. 9 Zero Motion Pinpoint Mode.pg.

9 Pinpointing in the Motion Search Mode.pg. 10 Target Recovery.1225-X. Just turn it on, set two knobs and go. It couldn’t be simpler. PULSEGATE UNIPOLAR AUDIO PROCESSING.

Fisher engineering jargon meaning that you won’t have to listen to a “threshold tone” for maximum sensitivity. Your 1225-X operates so you can hear even the faintest signals on small deep targets.SETTING UP The 1225-X comes to you just about ready to use. The only adjustment required is the angle of the search coil. Take a look at Figure 1 and familiarize yourself with the parts of the 1225-X before proceeding. 1.Padded Arm Rest Lock Nut Nylon Wing Nut Adjustable Lower Stem Upper Stem Figure 1.

Fisher 1225-X Straight arm, grip not too tight, search coil close to and parallel to the ground. Remember, as you increase the shaft length, you also increase the strain on your wrist and arm.CONTROL FUNCTIONS 1. DISC: This control turns the power on and automatically tunes the 1225-X for instant operation. All types of metal are detected at the zero level while the most pieces of trash are rejected at ten. The DISC control has no effect when the PINPOINT button is pushed in.DISCRIMINATION POINTS By adjusting the DISC (“Discrimination”) control, you will be able to ignore or (“reject”) small pieces of metallic target trash and ground minerals while detecting valuable targets. The lowest setting at which an object is rejected is reffered to as its “discrimination point.”.DISCRIMINATION POINTS 8.

Some objects will cause sharp static or “ticking” when rejected. This is a perfectly normal response indicating that the powerful discrimination circuitry of the 1225-X is doing the job.

Large pieces of trash such as beer cans or jar lids may sound like a good target no matter what you do.SEARCHING Now comes the fun part - if you follow a few simple rules. Good search techniques are every bit as important as a good detector. The 1225-X has two operating modes. The “Search” mode is activated simply be turning the unit on. This is a “VLF-Motion Discrimination”.SEARCHING 7. Search in a methodical manner sweeping in a tight semicircle. Pay close attention to where you’re going and where you’ve been.

TAKE YOUR TIME. If you walk too fast you can’t overlap your sweeps and you’ll miss a lot of ground.PINPOINTING ZERO MOTION PINPOINT MODE The pinpoint mode requires no tuning, no motion, detects all metals and in normal soil it’s even more sensitive than the search mode. Precise target location is a snap. Once the presence of a buried target is identified by the “beep beep”.PINPOINTING PINPOINTING IN MOTION SEARCH MODE Pinpointing in the search mode will take a little practice but you may find that for most targets, it’s even quicker than the Zero Motion Pinpointing Mode. Simply use the same procedure as in steps 2 through 5 above.TARGET RECOVERY Once you have pinpointed a target, your objective is to recover it quickly and neatly, leaving no trace of your excavation.

There are almost as many ways to do this as there are Treasure Hunters. Whatever works for you is good enough as long as you don’t break any laws, damage vegetation, or leave your search area looking like a World War II battlefield.RECOVERY TOOLS 1. A heavy duty, blunt screwdriver is commonly used by expert Treasure Hunters. A sturdy hunting knife with a 5” blade will do the job in most soils. A high quality double-edged “survival” knife is an even better (and more expensive) choice since it will be almost impossible to bend or break.OPERATING TIPS 1. We’ve already said it but it bears repeating: TAKE YOUR TIME AND OVERLAP YOUR SWEEPS.

Fisher 1265-x M-scope Manual1265

Use good headphones. You won’t miss faint targets, you won’t attract unwanted attention and you won’t bother others. Practice pinpointing. There’s nothing sacred about the methods described in this manual.FALSE SIGNALS A “false signal” occurs when something that shouldn’t, sounds like a good target. Your 1225-X does an excellent job of ignoring junk but it’s so sensitive to good targets that it can be fooled by bad targets with similar electrical characteristics. Large pieces of trash for example, or even some kind of bottle caps and pull tabs.FALSE SIGNALS between the beeps, or if you sweep at right angles to your original direction, you’ll receive a single beep directly over the target (except for the very shallow coin).

Fisher 1260x Metal Detector Manual

One way to tell the difference between a coin and a nail is to set your discrimination at about 5.BATTERY REPLACEMENT Two nine volt transistor batteries are located in separate compartments at the rear of the housing. When it’s time to replace batteries, always replace both of them. To open, press gently down and out on the battery door latch.MAINTENANCE Your 1225-X doesn’t require a lot of care, but there are a few things you should do to keep it in peak operating condition. If you’re not going to be using it for awhile, take the batteries out. Acid damage caused by leaking batteries can be severe.Where To Use Your Metal Detector In The U.S.

National Forest and Federal Lands—Metal detecting is allowed only by special permit acquired from the federal government. Each area has a district office. Corps of Engineers, Lakes, Shorelines and Lands—Permission has been granted only on predisturbed sites, such as beaches and attached swimming areas.1. Subject to improvement or modification without notice.

Pulsegate Unipolar Audio Processing. Advanced Fisher circuitry which allows silent operation below “audio threshold tone” with no loss in sensitivity.

The 1225-X is a “motion” detector while in the search mode. The search coil must be moving at least slightly to detect a target.Our detectors are durable, dependable, and search deeper. REPUTATION Fisher produced the first patented metal detector in 1931. For over 70 years, the Fisher logo has been a mark of excellence. LIFETIME WARRANTY Fisher believes in the products we produce and backs this belief with a lifetime warranty, the best in the industry, on all of our consumer detectors.

Great unit you got there! First, figure out where/what you'd like to disc out and set accordingly.If you want to jump right in and start finding coins mostly, and dig less trash at first? Keep it(disc) pretty high(6/7 or above?)Now, it takes a bit to get to know the sounds(practice) but listen for the nice smooth, full-.whole.-round sound. The.good. target sound that.smoothly. increases as you approach/swing over the target, as you pass over the/a.good.

target, the sound will.smoothly. decrease.(staying.whole.).Now, If it has a clipping/broken chattery signal as you approach/pass over the target? The signal is being affected by the disc and it is up to you wether or not you want to investigate those 'iffy' signals at first!? Hope this helps you get started? Kinda hard to explain but I tried.Good-Luck!And, Listen carefully for those very soft,faint signals. Your 35 will go VERY deep!

Headphones are a must for the deepie's and a 10' coil will get you down there even more. Thank you M-scope. A few years before leaving BC, I had taken the detector out to Cultas Lake to play on the beach and I was getting that chatter, clipping noise you mentioned and it ended up being hair pins or bobby pins. Patty smyth scandalous rar lyrics. I thought I would just dig everything since I had no idea how to distinguish sounds.

I've since bought a set of White's KW-Pro headset (well in 2001, lol) so I'm looking forward to seeing how they work.I've only used it long enough to exhaust the factory batteries that came with it so I have only found those bobby pins, pull tabs, nails and some newer coins. I most likely set it up according to the manual. I was considering buying a newer model but came to conclusion, that's just stupid.I'm going to try my backyard once winters over. I would suggest buying a 'used' one though if your considering!?New ones are getting 'pricey'. There is a 3', 5', 8', 10&1/2', and some bigger/older (12') Hot-Head brand coils for Fishers also. Solid coils and open designed spider coils made for the 1200X series.I, personally, mainly use the 10'.

And 5' once in a while.I'd use the stock 8' for a while until you get really familiar with your machine. Starting in your yard is a great/perfect idea.

You can take your time and listen to each response before you dig, move/adjust the disc and recheck each reponse listening to the differences before you dig, practice pinpointing and learn how to recover and replace the sod properly. The 1235X is a really good detector and will hold its own,and surpass alot of the detectors in its range on the market currently.It has no-screen but many detectors cant properly id with a screen anyhow, and alot of 'seasoned' detectorists using the 'top-models' will even tell you that they still.mainly. hunt by sound, so learning how to detect by sounds alone may help you in your future!?It will find you alot of big pcs of iron and big pcs of aluminum as any detector has problems overlooking/discing-out those items. If you put the time in and learn it, then find a good location that holds the items your looking/hoping for, you will be pleased with its abilities/results if you have learned its 'language'!?Hope to see you posting your finds soon!Good-Luck!.