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  1. Cruzer Blade 8gb Driver Download

Product Information. Featuring the exclusive SecureAccess technology that leaves it password protected, the SanDisk Cruzer glide also allows users to share selected encrypted files of choice. This 8 GB flash drive is a compact device that can hold a host of important documents, from digital music, photos, and video, to pertinent work documents.

Sandisk cruzer blade 8gb driver windows 7

This SanDisk flash drive uses a sliding system rather than a cap for opening and closing purposes and comes with an extra 2 GB of back-up storage capacity to keep files as safe and secure as possible. The SanDisk Cruzer Glide is compatible with a variety of operating systems, including Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, as well as Mac OS 10.5 or higher. However, when used with a Macintosh computer, this SanDisk flash drive will need a software download. The maximum operating temperature of this 8 GB flash drive is 113 degrees F, while the minimum operating temperature is 32 degrees F. This SanDisk flash drive is 2.37 inches tall by 0.82 inches wide by 0.44 inches deep. Worth every penny.Thanks to these flash drives, I am out of the 'burn CD' mode for backing up client files for offline delivery.

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Cruzer Blade 8gb Driver Download

(My clients are concerned with security, perhaps overly so, but heck, I'm a contractor - who am I to argue?) Instead of creating CDs once a week to send them offline, I now send these flash drives - 8 GB is plenty for a full delivery of my week's work products, and so fast! Love, love, love them. I'd recommend getting some tagging devices such as round paper encircled in metal with metal rings for attaching to the flash drives - these are similar to what the valets use. Gotta love this delivery method!The features I love the most are a) low cost, b) slide tab to retract prong for cleanliness and safekeeping, and slip-hole to attach key ring or such for identification tag. Oh, did I forget to mention reliability? Who can go wrong with SanDisk?Verified purchase: Yes Condition: New.