Shivers - Game Boomers Cheats, Walkthrough by Sharon Fernandez Shivers WalkthroughWritten by Sharon Fernandez( Last modified on 9/2/96This cannot be an exact walkthrough because the pots and lids arenot always in the same place for each new game. The 10 pairs of pots and lids that youmust match seem to be the same for each game. So, I will guide you to some places, andhelp you avoid other places until you're ready to capture the Ixupi!Table of Contents:. General Strategies. Doing the Walkthrough in the book (USA version only - shame onSierra).
Exploring the rest of the museum. Puzzle hints and solutions. Ixupi hiding places. Pot and lid pairs and their locations.
Flashback items and their location. Trivia questionsGENERAL STRATEGIESYou can only have one item in your inventory at any time. Whenyou match a pot and talisman, then they become a single item. Take careful note of whereevery pot and talisman is found or placed. If you exchange a newly found item for one youwere carrying or if you move things from a far away location to some place closer, yournotes will save you a lot of wandering around.You can usually tell if the Ixupi are nearby for they make aunique noise.
If you turn away quickly, you should be safe.Point system in general:. Solved puzzle 6750 pts.
Clues 350 pts. Reading plaques 250 pts. Inventory item 2500 pts.
Loss of life essence -1500 pts. Recorded message for each room 300 ptsIf you see any objects laying around, examine them. Some are notessential to the game but are worth points.
I have played the game twice and come up witha high score of 485,500 points. Your score can be quite a bit more if you travel via theelevators (which I avoided as much as possible).Use the tip of your mouse pointer, not the lower fat part - ittook me awhile to realize this, so I'm just passing it along.DOING THE WALKTHROUGH IN THE BOOK (USA versiononly)The USA version of the game apparently includes a thicker bookthan the international version, and it contains a 'Walkthrough' chapter. I'll pass along the few answers it contains.Watch the opening movie of your friends locking you inside themuseum grounds. This is your first flashback item. Now would be an excellent time to setthe 'text on' option.OUTSIDE THE MUSEUMTurn left and see the dragon gargolye. The chain's handle will open it and inside you finda letter.
As the letter falls to the ground, observe the number inside thedragon's mouth.Turn around and walk up the museum stairs until you will reach alocked door. The squawk box on the right side will play a recording that the museum is notopen. Make note of the markings at the top of the door and its color.
As you head backdown, find another set of markings and a different color to the right of the purple vase.You must then find another way in, so follow the path toward thegazebo. Find a third set of markings behind the tall object. Go just beyond the arch thenlook back to see the fourth set of markings on the triangular stone. Turn back toward thearch. Find the markings on the bench. By the time you reach the gazebo you should have 5markings and colors. Walk to the very end of the path to see the submerged steps.Enter the gazebo and open the metal box and solve its puzzle.Exit the gazebo and cross on the raised steps.
As you approach the Stonehenge replica,find the last marking on the perimeter wall. Now use the markings and colorsyou've seen to solve this puzzle. Descend the spiral staircase. Open the door and find thelight switch along the left side. Continue traveling downward (either passageway gets youto the underground lake).
Open the stone door.UNDERGROUND LAKEFind the corpse on your left. Take the book and read it. This now appears as flashbackitem 9.Get on the boat. Go to the rear (turn left), look down, move theanchor pin down. Move to front of boat, look down, and move its anchor pin up. Now you canturn the crank several times to reach the other side.During the crossing, the water spirit will appear and take somelife essence. You cannot avoid this.
When you've reached the other shore, notice a potstraight ahead. Get off the boat and head right to find that pot. When you examine itProfessor Windlenot's ghost will appear and warn you. This becomes flashback item 4.Examine the markings on the pot for later identification.Walk down the tunnel and find the elevator. Match the design onthe doors with the nearby box (diagonal pattern). Enter the elevator and travel up to themuseum office.MUSEUM OFFICEExplore the office thoroughly, but avoid the fireplace.
Items you should find: the map onthe wall, a newspaper in the coat pocket, a letter on the floor, the elevator behind thetapestry, a door into a workshop, a message on the tape recorder on the desk, and a letterin the desk. The scrapbook on the desk will become flashback item 6. Be sure you find thelid for the ash ixupi in the lower right-hand drawer.LIBRARYThe library is the next room to explore. Take the door to the left of the fireplace. Walka little forward and turn left. The door you see is to the library.
Enter and concentrateyour search to the right of the candelabra, but beware the wax Ixupi might be there. Youshould find a total of 4 books in this bookcase, flashback items 8, 10, 11, and 12.If you are having trouble, start with the only book that isleaning - this is 'the Black Book'.
Now the next one is two to the right andorangish in color. Then the whitish one another four books from the last one. The last oneis one shelf lower and is purple in color.Further exploration should quickly reveal another passage, butleave that for later. Find the ladder in front of another bookcase and check it out later.Leave the library through its front door, stay to the right of the display case in thecenter of the room, and enter the double doors between the two pillars.
If you reached thestairs, you've gone to far.STRANGE BEASTSEnter the Strange Beasts room, head toward the far left corner and find another doubledoor (green with a serpentine pattern). Enter the Amazing Plants room and turn left,forward, then left again. You will find the bottom to match the lid you found in theoffice. If you have the lid, then the two pieces will magically join, otherwise take thepot and go back to the office and join the two items. Now you can capture your first Ixupi(if it's still in the fireplace ashes).EXPLORING THE REST OF THE MUSEUMProbably the most useful item to locate are some blueprints.
Theyare in the Mysteries of the Deep room. If you are in the office, head back to the StrangeBeasts room, otherwise leave the Amazing Plants room, head left around the eagle nest.MYSTERIES OF THE DEEPFind another set of double doors in the Strange Beasts room.
Go through the doors, takenote of the map on the floor, and examine the Poseidon/Neptune display. Here is the Globepuzzle. Solve it and you will have an inventory item and a very useful set of museumblueprints as flashback item 14. Go a little further and find the Sirens/Organ puzzle atthe far end, right corner. Solve this one and a door opens at the Colossus of Rhodesexhibit, just to the right of the organ.Enter the new passage and find the Movable Wall puzzle. No cluefor this one yet, so we'll return later.
As you come back out of the passage, notice thesplotch of yellow straight ahead. We'll check it out in a minute. Watch for the sand/earthIxupi who sometimes occupies the building display on your left. If you go back toward theglobe, then just a bit beyond, turn right, forward, right again, and go along the wall. Atthe far end are some yellow crystals which the Ixupi might be occupying.MAIN ENTRY HALLLeave the Mysteries of the Deep Room, go back to the Main Entry Hall and explore somemore. You should find the staircase going to the second floor, a stone water fountain witha hidden spigot (careful - Ixupi maybe), the doors behind the desk which match the lockeddoors on the outside of the museum, two panels (one to the right of the desk and one tothe left of the fountain) and a door that will lead into the Theatre. Look in the deskdrawer for the museum brochure, flashback item 7.
You'll need this to find and set theskeleton dials throughout the museum. Also find an inventory item in one of the bird masksbetween the library and the office.THEATRETo get into the Theatre, solve the Door Puzzle. Go around the right side of the theatreand climb the stage. You will find a note on the podium.
Look toward the end of the stagearea and notice it is empty. Retrace some of your steps and go up the left side of thestage. Travel the hallway, noting the Door Puzzle at one corner and a secret passage atanother corner.
Enter the projection room and solve its puzzle. You now have flashbackitem 13 and your clue to the Movable Wall puzzle. Go back to the stage area, stand next tothe podium and look again toward the end of the stage area. This time you should see aninventory item just behind the curtain.MAZELeave the theatre and re-enter the Strange Beasts room. Go to the right of the giant eaglenext, set the skull dial (blue), then enter Mysteries of the Deep room, and head towardthe Subterranean World. Solve the Movable Wall puzzle.
You will then travel down a couplehalls and enter a room with three doorways. Traverse the Maze.SUBTERRANEAN WORLDRead the plaque, set the skull dial (yellow). Look across the oily area (careful, don'tventure too close if an Ixupi is there) and note an inventory item on the other side.Travel back through the maze, go to the Main Entry Hall, then the office.WORKSHOPFind the workshop. Head down the left side and find the Drawer Puzzle. The clue is in thisroom so go ahead and solve it now and find another inventory item. Continue around thetable, but don't approach too close to the wooden object shaped in a humanoid form. Itmight contain the wood Ixupi.BEDROOM AND STUDYLeave the workshop and let's see where the elevator behind the office tapestry takes us.Arrive on the fourth floor and look for a flashback item 17 - the Professor'sDiary/Journal.
Also take note of the clock beside the bed and the different faces fordifferent times. In particular notice the one with the open jaws and its correspondingtime. Watch out for the metal Ixupi that sometimes hides in the suit of armour.LIBRARY AND SECRET PASSAGECome back down the elevator to the office and go to the library. Find the ladder and goup, turn right and see a statue.
Turn back to the left and find the book which will rotatethe statue and reveal an inventory item. Click on the thickest book you see to get thestatue to turn and reveal its hidden contents. Down the ladder, left, forward twice, rightturn and into the secret passage.Turn left and find some lipstick on the floor, left, left again,and see another elevator. Open the elevator at least once in the game because it containsa clue to a puzzle.
This elevator travels between the three main floors. Go back into thesecret passage and find some more items on the floor. If you turn right at the junction,you'll dead end. Remember the secret doorway near the projection room?
This is the otherside and is a one-way door.MECHANICAL ROOM AND GENERATOR ROOMTurn left and around a few corners (finding a purse with flashback item 15) and down untilyou reach the Mechanical Room and Generator. Probably nothing here until later in thegame, but explore anyway. Find the 'Danger High Voltage' box. There is a breakerpanel to the left, and just below it a section of the wall that looks different. Back upto the main floor, go in the theatre, left side, and hallway.CLOCK TOWERSolve the door puzzle in the theatre side hall and climb up the tower stairs. You shouldfind Beth's ghost here and another pot and head. Examine its markings so you can identifythe Ixupi.
Play the juke box pieces and leave it set on the Anansi Spider Song. This willsave you some wandering. Work the video monitor, being careful to note what you see withthe Witch Doctor camera. These two clues help solve puzzles elsewhere. Observe the faceson the clock and the time on the video monitor camera. Solve the Clock Puzzle and find aninventory item at the top of the tower.
Back down, through the theatre, and into the MainEntry Hall.TOMBS AND CURSESNow, lets explore the second floor. If you use the stairs from the Main Entry Hall, noticethe chandelier at the top. Careful, another place for the crystal Ixupi. Through thedouble doors and enter the Tombs and Curses room. Turn right and enter the room where theIxupi vessels were once kept. Leave this room, turn right and set the skull dial (green).Do an about-face and notice the secret panel in the wall.
We are going to explore someother parts of the second floor and return to this room later. Turn the leaves just abovethe door and go through.FORTUNE TELLER ROOMYou are in the corrider. Dead end to the right, so turn left, go around the corner,continue down hallway and take the first left. Around another corner and take the nextleft. The wood Ixupi is sometimes near the discarded lumber. Find the Picture puzzle inthe far corner.
Solving it gains you access into the Fortune Teller's room. Here you findMerrick's ghost, flashback item 3. Get your fortune with the coin, and carefully note the.first. thing it says. This is your first of four riddles.
Leave the room and head backout into the hallway. At the junction, turn left, go around a corner, head up some stairs,and take the next right, and more stairs.STORAGE ROOMYou have now arrived on the 3rd floor without the help of an elevator.
Go down this newpassage until you find some more lumber and an A-frame on the wall. Another secretdoorway. Enter the Storage room. Turn left, open one crate, and arrive at a door thatleads into the Planetarium.PLANETARIUMThe thunder and lightning Ixupi is sometimes in one of the displays, so watch out.
Findthe solar system model and solve your first riddle. Read the second riddle. Work your wayaround to the right and find the Pictograph Tiles puzzle. Solve this and find anotherinventory item. If you continue around to the left, you'll see another door. This goesinto the tower and descends to the second level.
We'll get there by another means. Leavethe Planetarium through the same door we came in, open two more crates in the Storageroom, and at the far end, find one last crate with the Alchemy Machine puzzle. Solve itand find an inventory item. About face and through the new door.MANS INHUMANITY TO MANGo through the spiked doorway and find a skeleton in a raised cage. For fun, click thepitcher, the glass, then the skeleton's hand.
You should hear 'I feel yourpain'. Explore the other torture items in the area, and eventually end up at thegallows.
Solve this puzzle and find an inventory item.Down the gallow steps and head straight, passing the electricchair (lightning Ixupi is sometimes there so don't throw the switch) and entering anotherroom. At its end is the Door puzzle. Solve it and you gain access into another room.
Findanother puzzle between the two pictures. Solve this Pinball Machine puzzle and you gainaccess into a passage with a 6-skull dial and an inventory item. This door will open whenyou have turned all the other skull dials in the museum to their proper color.SECRET PASSAGE 2ND FLOORBacktrack to the storage room and out the secret entrance. If you turn right, you'll godown the hall a few turns and find an elevator. Take it to the second floor, turn rightdown the hall. If you take the next right, you'll find only dead ends (feel free toexplore). Continue straight ahead, round a corner, ignore the cubby hole with junk on yourright, ignore the next right turn (it leads back to the fortune teller room), and turn thenext corner.
Go.almost. to the end and look for a panel on your right. If you are at theend, back up just a little and find the passage into the Tombs and Curses room that is nowon your left.TOMBS AND CURSESTurn left and go part way toward the tomb markers.
When you can turn right and go aroundthe corner, find the Sphinx. Read the plaque, poke around the sphinx (between the legs),then touch the lips. Do an about-face and see the sarcophagus and obelisks, and solve thispuzzle. Another inventory item. Continue working your way left past the sphinx to anotherburial tomb (Curse of Anubis), but beware of an Ixupi.
Return to the main area of thisroom, go up the steps between the tomb markers and solve the door puzzle to gain accessinto the next room.FUNERAL RITES ROOMThe Funeral Rites room has a skull dial. At the bottom of the stairs, turn left, forward,left again, and set the dial (blue).
Turn right and enter a burial chamber, being carefulto avoid the cloth Ixupi. Leave and turn left to head toward the far end of the room. Onthe left, see the lion, and find Merrick's notebook - flashback item 16. Continue towardthe far door. On the right find the animal sarcophagus and its hidden Chinese Checkerpuzzle. Solve this and find an inventory item.
Beware the cremation display might house anIxupi. Enter the door at this end of the room.SHAMAN ROOMIn the Shaman room you need to beware of the wax Ixupi in one corner. Find the witchdoctor in another corner, and tracks on the floor that disappear at a secret panel. Followthe tracks back to their origin and look up.
Here is the camera you used in the clocktower. Solve this puzzle to gain access into the next room.GOD AND KILLING ITEMS ROOMYou are in the Gods and Killing Items room, and your second riddle will be answered, andyour third will be found. Look for a horse-drawn chariot and Thor. Spin the nearby stonepiece and read its message. Go to the next room and set the skull dial (red).
Find andsolve the Sumerian Lyre puzzle at the room's far end, and find another inventory item.Don't forget to set the skull dial (red). Refrigeration seminar topics. Back to the double doors and solve this doorpuzzle (panel on left) to gain access into the next room.MYTHS AND LEGENDS ROOMFind two things when you first enter the Myths and Legends room: the music box puzzle onyour right and a duffel bag on the left.
Solve the puzzle and find an inventory item.Search the bag and the book will become flashback item 5. Walk toward the other end of theroom, avoid the wax snake (Ixupi!) and check out the Maoris carved chest to find anotherinventory item.Leave this area and continue on through the next couple roomscarefully. More spare lumber means Ixupi, maybe. Find another skull dial near the werewolf and set it (red). Wander until you find stairs to your right. These lead to theplanetarium. First, though, turn left twice and round the corner to find a door.
Enter thejanitor's room and you'll usually find the cloth Ixupi guarding another inventory item.Double danger - the toilet can sometimes hide the water Ixupi.CAPTURE 9 OF 10 IXUPII believe at this point, you need to capture as many Ixupi as possible. Don't worry if youcome down to just one left to nab.
The game seems to be designed this way. If you make itto the subterranean room, you'll find a shortcut back to the main floor. Try it.GENERATOR ROOMWith just one Ixupi waiting to be captured (it's the Thunder and Lightning Ixupi), you maynow begin the search for the missing page 17. Work you way down to the generator room andfind the breaker panel.
If it is not open, then you haven't done enough of the game. If itis, flip the switch, twice, and page 17 will appear. This contains your 4th riddle. Besure to read the part that was still in the book and complete the riddle. You should nowrecall some part of the museum which would answer this riddle.MANS INHUMANITY TO MANHead upstairs to the third floor and its room with the guillotine. Take a quick side-tripthrough the puzzle room, past the 6 skull dial and into one last room. Notice the trapdoor in the floor and the inset stone on the wall with its two symbols.
Back to theguillotine. Work the display and notice the same two symbols on the blade that hasdropped. Back to the room with these same symbols on the wall. This time the stone hasmoved forward. Touch it and enjoy the wild ride. At the end of the run, you find your lastinventory item.GENERATOR ROOMNow for the last Ixupi. Find him in the generator room and capture him.
Watch the closingmovie as flashback item 18 and go home with your friends.PUZZLE HINTS AND SOLUTIONSIt was difficult deciding what order to put these in, so Isettled on the order they appear in your book.GAZEBO METAL BOX Solution: Use the number from the dragon gargoyle (next to the front gate)to open this box: 029.GEAR PUZZLE (Gazebo - Museum grounds) Solution (in USA version of book): Number the gears across the top (1,2,3) and the gears along thebottom (4,5,6). Give the left 'spare' pin an 'A' and the right pin a 'B'.