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  1. Lynda.com Foundations Of Programming Databases Pdf
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Programming foundations

Discover how a database can benefit both you and your architecture, whateverthe programming language, operating system, or application type you use. Inthis course, explore options that range from personal desktop databases tolarge-scale geographically distributed database servers and classic relationaldatabases to modern document-oriented systems and data warehouses—and learnhow to choose the best solution for you.

Author Simon Allardice covers keyterminology and concepts, such as normalization, 'deadly embraces' and 'dirtyreads,' ACID and CRUD, referential integrity, deadlocks, and rollbacks. Thecourse also explores data modeling step by step through hands-on examples todesign the best system for our data. Plus, learn to juggle the competingdemands of storage, access, performance, and security—management tasks thatare critical to your database's success.

As with most things in programming, if you want to understand databases, then don't jump directly into the features of database software. First, go the other way. Realize these things were designed to solve a problem, so what's the problem?

Well, that might seem like an easy one. You have some data, some information. You, your company, your clients, or even the business that you want to create, there is some data you need to store. And this data could be anything.It could be information about customers, products, employees, orders, details about the visits to your website.

Lynda.com Foundations Of Programming Databases Pdf

This data could be in text format, it could be names and descriptions, or numeric amounts, or dates, or this could be document files or images, audio, or video. But here's the thing: you can already store data. You could just open up a text file and type your information into that, or open up a spreadsheet and do that too. If you've got documents, just organize them in folders.Now, many small businesses would start with something like this, with a spreadsheet, and a lot will continue like this for years, and that might be OK, because just having data is not a good enough reason to need a database. Having data is not the problem.

The problem is what comes next. And there's a lot of potential problems, but I'll describe six of them without even getting technical. Size of your data is a potential problem, ease of updating your data, accuracy of it, security of it, redundancy in it, importance of the data.Let's take these one by one.

Because what starts off as a small amount of data has a tendency to turn into a large amount of data. And if your spreadsheet solution is nice and speedy when there's 100 lines in it, what happens when there's 2,000,000 lines in it? Now, maybe you'd start to split that up into a bunch of different files, and then you hit a sub-problem, speed. How would you find anything? Next, there's the idea of ease of updating you data.What happens if two people need to edit this spreadsheet at the same time? How about 20 at the same time, or 200 people at the same time?

If you work with a file based system, that's just not going to happen. You'll end up with everybody overwriting everybody else's changes. Then, there's accuracy of the data. Is there anything that would actually prevent me from typing incorrect data into a spreadsheet like this, to fat finger a date as being in the past when it should be in the future, or just missing some vital piece of information out with the intention that I'll come back to that and do it later? Well, usually there's nothing that would prevent me from doing so, so as these files get older and older, they start to fill up with data that isn't accurate, it isn't consistent, it isn't trustworthy anymore.And then there's the idea of security. Most of the time, you need to share this data, but just because it needs to be shared with someone, doesn't mean it needs to be shared with everyone, because some of this could be sensitive.


It could be payroll information, health care information. So who would get to view it, and who would get to edit it, and if they do get to edit this data, is all we know just the last person who edited this file, or do we know who made every entry and every change at every point?

Because with some information, health care, financial, there are laws in place to make sure you're auditing every alteration to sensitive data.And there's the idea of redundancy, or duplication of your data, having multiple copies of the same data. Now, redundancy by itself is not a bad thing. With backups, it's good to have redundancy, but in the data itself, not so good, because it leads to conflicts.

Maybe one file ends up with two entries for the same product. One says the product is $12, another says the product is $10. Which one's right? Or maybe that information is spread over a couple of different files, one owned by one department, one by another.Which one is true? And then there's importance of your data. You've probably felt the pain of working in a spreadsheet or a word processor, where something happens.

There's a crash or a disconnect, and you lose five minutes of work or an hour of work or a day. It's annoying, it's inconvenient. But if the information you just lost was yesterday's orders, or the allergies of a patient, or the details of a stock trade, or the seat allocation of a transatlantic flight that someone just paid for, that's not inconvenient that's unacceptable.The data is critical.

Business Tutorials

With many companies, your data is your entire business. You can't lose any of it, not a single change. Now, you might have one of these problems. You might have all of these problems and more besides. But these are the reasons we need a database. These are the problems. It's not about providing somewhere to put your data.

We could already do that. Discover how a database can benefit both you and your architecture, whatever the programming language, operating system, or application type you use. In this course, explore options that range from personal desktop databases to large-scale geographically distributed database servers and classic relational databases to modern document-oriented systems and data warehouses—and learn how to choose the best solution for you. Author Simon Allardice covers key terminology and concepts, such as normalization, 'deadly embraces' and 'dirty reads,' ACID and CRUD, referential integrity, deadlocks, and rollbacks. The course also explores data modeling step by step through hands-on examples to design the best system for your data.

Plus, learn to juggle the competing demands of storage, access, performance, and security—management tasks that are critical to your database's success.

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