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Battle-weary Geralt investigates those responsible for the attempted assassination of King Foltest in this enhanced adaptation of the The Witcher 2 on PC. Experience new quests, locations, and even characters as you advance through a non-linear storyline with outcomes dependent on your choices throughout key encounters.Geralt will meet an assortment of characters in his journey, from soldiers and rebels to mages and royalty, while exploring a variety of locales in the world. Geralt can interact with the environment by leaping over fences, scaling walls, climbing rock formations, and more. Areas are also designed to be more open than in the first game, which was exclusive to the computer platform.The fast-paced combat system enables Geralt to switch fighting styles, select targets, block, dodge, and use magic in a seamless fashion without interrupting the battle's flow.
As he gains experience in battle, Geralt can learn new abilities associated with three paths of character development: mage, master swordsman, and alchemist.Each path's ability will grant Geralt new options for magic, melee attacks, and more, with an emphasis on active skills rather than passive abilities. Other notable combat features include a set of fatalities to master, the ability to cut off limbs, and a variety of monsters to battle. The Witcher 2 is available in two versions for Xbox 360: an Enhanced Edition and a Dark Edition.The Enhanced Edition includes the game on two DVD-ROMs and features the original soundtrack on an audio compact disc.
Also included are a quest handbook, the instruction manual, and a map of the game's world. The Dark Edition adds a 200-page art book, a wolf's head metal medallion and chain, three stickers, and a making-of DVD. The contents for the Dark Edition are also housed within a black cardboard box emblazoned with a wolf's head.